
Talk about life, the universe, and the current page

Chatting with Steve

The Quick Chat is a great way to find specific information on long web pages or to get quick answers on general topics.

  • Press the Ask Steve toolbar icon to open the sidepanel and access Chat.
  • You can ask Steve questions about anything and he'll try to answer
  • Including the current page that you're viewing
  • To reset the conversation and Steve's memory, press the trash can icon in the upper right. This can be helpful if Steve seems confused.
  • To copy a response, mouse over it and then press the Copy icon.

Skills in Chat

Run a Skill on the current page or selection

  • To use a Skill on the current page, press the lightning bolt icon in the chat field. You can then use the dropdown to pick a Skill or start typing in the name of one and then select it.
  • If there is selected text on the current page, Steve will use that for the Skill.
  • To get back to normal chat press the ESCAPE key.
  • NOTE: A shortcut to open the Skill selector is to type a SPACE in the chat input.

Run a Skill on a previous Chat response

Sometimes you might want to run a Skill on one of Steve's previous responses. To do so:

  • Mouse over the response and press the lightning bolt icon
  • The selected response will be highlighted and now you can pick the Skill you want to run on it.