Manage Connections
Manage your Connections between Ask Steve and other AI services
This is only available on the Premium Plan.
To access the Connections page, click on the Connections
link in the left navigation of the Extension Settings. Or click here.
What is a Connection?
The Connections page is where you can add, edit and delete your connections to other services. If you want to add, edit or delete a connection to a model, go to the Models page in the Settings.
Add a New Connection
button in the upper right of the screen and enter in the appropriate details.
Delete a Connection
Press the trashcan icon on any connection to delete it. If the connection is in use, you will get a message asking you to delete any Tools that use it first.
Edit a Connection
Click anywhere on the connection except the service logo or the trashcan icon to open it for editing.
Search Connections
You can use the search box at the top of the page to quickly filter the connection list.
Visit Service
Click on the service logo to visit their site.